Decoding Islamophobia and Logical Thinking (from a non Muslim)

Today’s topic is highly controversial. Readers are advised to take a neutral perspective before reading this post. The reason I am writing this is because, we teenagers represent the future of the society, which I hope to be peaceful. I am not a scholar in any religion, but often great knowledge on a subject kills the reason. The problem is faced by common people, so, common people must rise to demand a better world to live in. Most people lack a complete knowledge about their own, and leave aside other religion, just like me. The knowledge of one’s own religion usually comes not from reading scriptures but what attitude the people around one have regarding one’s own religion or about someone else’s faith. For example, Western Christian memers often engage in making memes on crusades and the Promised Land. This is how non-Christians see the religion to be. In India, the Muslims are treated as minority and political pawns, by the political parties which make them cautious about their existence.

Now, come the important questions.
Are all Muslims terrorists?
Absolutely not. Any one can say that.

Then what makes most non-Muslims feel “uncomfortable” around Muslims?
 The answer lies in deep prejudice. Though all Muslims are not terrorists but sadly, almost all terrorists are Muslims. Moderate Muslims may say that they don’t represent true Islam, but the terrorists themselves claim to be Muslims, which makes non-Muslims judge the entire community.

The solution to the problem is accepting the problem. We must accept that our society suffers from Islamophobia. We are not concerned about how many are Islamophobes but as long as there is existence of this baseless fear, we must unite to support both the afraid and the feared. As long as, we stay aloof of the situation and continue to get our information from petty articles and memes spreading hatred, the fear is staying with us.

Just as there are fearsome terrorists who identify with Islam, there are great people who were Mulims. Take the examples of APJ Abdul Kalam and Ashfaqullah Khan. The latter ‘killed’ British officials to strengthen the freedom movement of India. But he remains a hero along with several other Indian revolutionaries, both Muslims and Non-Muslims, unlike these terrorists. We cannot deny that the rise of terrorism in modern times is due to intervention of Foreign Nations in internal affairs of the ‘Muslim’ countries. The patriots of the respective countries fought for their wellbeing, and up to that everything was almost all right. Problem arose when the leaders of some nations wished for the doom of their ‘enemy’ nations and planned of killing innocent people. Politics which involves killing innocent people is never right, however great the cause is.

If we talk of Christianity, Hitler was a Christian, so, Christianophobia should also have been a term regularly used by the modern citizens of a global village. Many were killed in crusades and French Reign of Terror, which again involved Christians.

Talking of Hinduism, Sati (An abolished system in which widows were burnt on the funeral pyre with the corpse of their husbands), Polygamy, and Casteism were evils once prevalent in Indian subcontinent. But Hinduphobia doesn’t spread.

Showing negative points on all religions doesn’t defend the wrong doings of a handful of people who are bent upon bringing doom to the beautiful world. We should learn more about the feelings of others, and learn to think with logic and reason without getting carried away by hatred and power.

Actually, the genocides practiced by other religions as compared to by ‘Muslims’ is fairly recent which makes them look as ‘villains’. Prejudices like Muslims don’t have to work; they will take over the world, etc. are at play in the minds of several people. The politicians often make the Muslims feel inferior and minority, when the community is absolutely all right, just for getting votes. Playing with their sentiments is not what makes them terrorists but carry a general air of hostility around them. Secularism must rise. The leaders who play with people’s sentiments, fill people with hatred must be boycotted internationally. Feeling afraid of terrorists is being terrorized which is what they want! We should all stand up together, irrespective of differences, united under the scientific name of Homo sapiens.Human beings should rise against hatred not a community.

25 Comments Add yours

    1. Rejoy Dey says:

      Spreading love and reason during these times is very important. Glad to hear from you after a long time!😊😇

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Akash Nepali says:

        my connection too low now but do check your notification tomorrow
        Good night

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Rejoy Dey says:

          Yup! The connection is poor here too. I did check my notification. Stay safe.


  1. theholodoc says:

    Thank you for this, you are correct in that you teenagers ARE the future and you must solve this problem. That said, the problem, terrorism, is common to all of us. We are all terrorists when our own fear prompts us to take violent action. So the question arises; ‘when is violence justified? We will have different answers to this question: for instance, Christians cite Jesus throwing the moneylenders out of the temple as an example of justified violence. Some Jews cite Pinchas killing Zimri and Kozbi, as justified murder. And yet, both religions base their morality in the ten commandments, the sixth, being Do Not Kill and Jesus is The Prince of Peace. Ultimately, it is not the religion that prompts the violence, it is our human nature, and we are at odds with our impulse to civilize ourselves. This is a conundrum and will remain so until we decide to take another step in our maturation, both individually and communally, and automatically, unconsciously, take the non-violent road. Dr. Bob

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rejoy Dey says:

      Beautiful. Though I have never heard of some terms because I am neither Christian nor Jew , but I get the core message. Violence is paradoxical. It depends upon contexts. It seems legit at places and cruel at others, depending on the context. So, whatever, happens we must condemn our inhuman instinct of killing and move forward for a better tomorrow.
      Thank you for your valuable comment. Keep supporting!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Rejoy Dey says:

      Thanks for Reblogging my post! 😊😇

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Akash Nepali says:

        It’s okay
        Just keep bringing us, good content Brother.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Rejoy Dey says:

          Thanks. Keep supporting! Will surely try to bring out good content regularly. Check my latest question post.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Maria Mocha says:

    Intriguing post. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rejoy Dey says:

      Thanks 😊! Our country is at loggerheads with Pakistan which indirectly tarnishes the face of Indian Muslims due to various prejudices. So, I had to write this. Didn’t do any research because it’s the common people who matter not religious leaders.


      1. Maria Mocha says:

        I have read about all of that drama and the bloodshed. Glad to hear your perspective on it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Rejoy Dey says:

          It’s ever lasting. If we; the future of this world, don’t take up the cause of the world then we wouldn’t be able to progress. Thanks that you read it!

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Rejoy Dey says:

              Thanks again 😊


  3. neelstoria says:

    Liked your well-balanced approach and matured way of thinking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rejoy Dey says:

      Thank you so much for the Appreciation!😊☺️ Keep Supporting.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Rejoy Dey says:

    Reblogged this on Teenage and commented:

    Another related post was published yesterday. Share the Love 😊


  5. First of all, I’m absolutely amazed at your high level of advanced thinking.

    You truly addressed this issue as detailedly as you can!

    Yes. Because we’ve perceived most terrorists to be Muslims, we now generalize this concept with other Muslims around us. And when we Generalize, we tell general lies.

    And I agree with Dr. Bob when he said “it’s all part of our human nature..”

    And I second to your opinion that the societal hostility that befalls Muslims is what pushes some of them to actively speaking out, even if it includes using violence as a tool.

    I might not be able to comment much, but I so love this post. I’m going to save this. It’s so nice seeing how vast you are in knowledge and wisdom. This is an issue that most people can’t even address successfully.

    You are a great Teenager. You are one of the best teenager friends that I’ve ever met 💪🏽

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rejoy Dey says:

      Thank you so much Bro, for reading this. And then spending your valuable time in commenting. I am intentionally giving a late reply because I wanted to be in a serious mood before replying to such a deep comment.
      Prejudice against Muslims is everywhere. We got to speak up for everyone, not just them. If Muslims stand for themselves, even that causes resentment among Prejudiced people. Most of them get their news from public opinion, which is definitely biased in most cases.
      I never say this, to anyone but..
      But will you share the post with everyone you know? Because it’s high time now. The World War 3 has sown it’s trailer at various places. The world needs messages of love, however negligible they are. Since, you are a great friend, I request you humbly to post something to share the love too.
      Thanking you,
      (Too Formal LOL)

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Somewhere in the World says:

    Great Post I enjoyed the read, its so important to decode islamophobia and highlight logical thinking in todays society

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rejoy Dey says:

      Yup! That’s in the Title itself. Secularism is the call of the future. Islam may be criticized but never prejudiced against. 😑


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